
We Have Exciting News!

Simply Styled Home is now The Appreciation Shop! Instead of sharing random craftiness, home decor projects, and staff appreciation, our focus is now solely all things appreciation. Our new name does a better job of describing what we do, and makes it easier for YOU to find us!

The Lady Behind The Curtain

My name is Maegan, and I am the creative director and founder of The Appreciation Shop. My family recently moved to Arizona, and I am loving every moment of sunshine. When not planning some sort of appreciation, I can usually be found creating new essential oil recipes and projects. More about that down below...

I created The Appreciation Shop to help others show their love and appreciation quickly and easily. With my printables and step-by-step instructions, you can put together a memorable event or spontaneous R.A.K. (Random Act of Kindness) in no time!

The Beginning

In 2012, I was recruited to chair the Hospitality Committee of my daughter’s school. We were in charge of spoiling the teachers, and our big event of the year was Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. Like the Angry Birds party I planned for my daughter, I could not find any printables that matched my Dr. Seuss theme, so I designed my own. The rest is history!

I love brainstorming new themes each year and honoring the wonderful people who are shaping the young minds of the future.

Teacher & Staff Appreciation

Teacher and Staff Appreciation week is one of my favorite weeks of the entire year. As far as I am concerned, every staff member at every school is a ROCKSTAR. I can barely make it through homework time at my house. Those people are superheroes in my book, and I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to spoil them rotten.

It is truly a pleasure to help other schools recreate our events using my coordinating printables and step-by-step instructions. Why recreate the wheel?! We are all busy, and life never slows down. Let me save you some time. With my help you can create a memorable event at your school in no time.

Visit the Printables Shop